
Welcome to Middle Riddles!

This web page has the mission of exposing mysteries, “fake news” and other curiosities during the Middle Ages. Follow along as three intriguing legends are explored during a medieval research and analysis course at the University of Waterloo taught by professors Steven Bednarsky and Zack MacDonald during the winter term of 2018.

Read about the contributing authors here. 

For a visual interactive timeline that displays key events’ time stamps from all three Middle Riddle mysteries, click here.

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Mystery 1: The legend of Prester John

Image of Prester John derived from Queen Mary’s Atlas of East Africa in 1558.  [Public domain, Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
A fabled king from a far away, magical land wrote a curious letter of hope, faith, and mystery. Was the alleged author, Prester John, real? Who wrote the letter? Where? And most importantly, why? Find out about this rumour that perplexed the world for years and went down in history as a fascinating forgery. Read all about it by clicking the drop down menu above, or read our summary here.

Mystery 2: Templar Depositions

File:Cross Templar.svg
Emblem of the Military Order of Templars, via Wikimedia Commons

A holy Order of Templar Knights who served as treasurers and as protection for Christian pilgrims were suddenly arrested by King Philip IV for heresy and sodomy. Could there be a hidden transcript of ulterior motives or secrets behind these arrests? Find out about key figures, historical context, and theories about the downfall of the Order of the Templars by clicking on the drop down menu above, or read our summary here.

Mystery 3: Joan of Arc

Artist’s depiction of Joan of Arc, painted between 1450-1500.  Archives nationales [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The story of how a young peasant girl arose from the countryside with the guidance of God to become the representative of her nation and lead an army to save France. How did she initiate this bold, heroic movement? Why was she France’s last hope? Who supported her, and who did not? Why was she killed, but canonized years later? What lasting effects has she had on the world? Read all about Joan of Arc’s legendary tale by clicking on the drop down menu above or read our summary here.


Thank you!

By: Cameron Mihell

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