
The Templars have a rich history, involving 23 Grandmasters that lead them fiercely through many trials and tribulations. A grandmaster is a spiritual, political, and military leader of the order. Choosing such as position was based on a complicated electoral system developed in the mist of the crusades.[1] The system involved in choosing the Grandmaster involved both political and spiritual ideologies, that corresponded with the Templars represented beliefs. It started with the Grand Commander of the Order choosing two people. These two then chose two more and so forth until a total of 12 were assembled. These 12 members resembled that of the apostles in the bible, who would then choose their ultimate leader; their messiah so to speak. The Grand Commander would then make a sermon reminding the Templars of their values and mission involved in the Order. After this prayer would ensue and they would choose their leader. There are many formalities involved in the process including specific manners of specific involved the Templar’s and their religious affiliation. For example, the Grand Commander would approach the chosen leader and say, “We, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, have elected as our master and now choose you, Brother So-and-so;” followed by him approaching the rest of the Templars and saying, “Fair lords and brothers, give thanks to God, here is our master.” [2]

Significance: This helps to understand the context of the Templars and their Order. The importance of the Grandmaster and James of Molay with the Templar’s ultimate defeat.


  1. “Grand Masters.” The Knights Templar. Accessed February 19, 2018.
  2. Corrêa, Plinio. “How the Knights Templar Elected Their Grand Master.” Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites. February 29, 2016. Accessed February 19, 2018.


By: Tanner Delaney


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